Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Joining the Club

Hi, everyone, hope you are enjoying the new format for the BBCA.  I hope that many of you will consider volunteering to either be on the board or help manage and run our most prized assets--our beach.  We need a treasurer (which would be a voting position on the board).  And we need volunteers to help with mailings and membership and some social events.  This is a fun board.  It consist of Joe Bell, Marianne Romero, Peter Romero and Leslie Heimer.  The open position is Treasurer.  We have tried and are continuing to try to streamline all the positions so that we get the maximum result with the least time.  I think it is working.  So, please think about volunteering.  This is a fun board and, occasionally, Joe buys the beer.

Marianne Romero

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